Due to the importance of reducing depreciation during operation and capability of technology update, industrial building construction methods are constantly evolving and require high technical knowledge. In the 1990s, SDM has successfully constructed some parts of the industrial buildings in Chadormalu, Choghart and Sechahoun Iron Ore Complex.


Administrative Buildings of Chadormalu Iron Ore Complex
Location: Yazd Province; Client: Iran National Steel Co.; Cost: 2,000 million IRR; Remarks: Project Area=15,000 m2


Industrial Buildings of Chadormalu Iron Ore Complex
Location: Yazd Province; Client: Iran National Steel Co.; Cost: 5,000 million IRR; Remarks: Project Area=12,000 m2 with industrial shed span: 36 m and height: 17 m


Industrial Buildings of Crushers (Choghart and Sechahun mines)
Location: Yazd Province; Client: Iran National Steel Co.; Cost: 5,000 million IRR; with industrial shed height: 18 m


Prefabricated Administrative Buildings of Chadormalu
Location: Yazd Province; Client: Iran National Steel Co.; Cost: 3,500 million IRR; Remarks: Project Area=15,000 m2